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Great Reads for Good Food

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The best way to live a happy, enjoyable life is by taking care of your body, balancing your emotions and soul, and working towards improving your heal...

So, are you good to go? Here's your ultimate guide to a happy, enjoyable life. MEDITATE to KEEP AWAY STRESS Stress is a...

5 Things to Know About Your CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Card

The United States far exceeded President Biden's promise and goal to get 100 million shots into arms by his 100th day of being president. That goal was met on day 58. On that day, he updated the goal to be 200 million...

Many people struggle to take care of their mental health at some point in life. Others have struggled with this problem for a lengthy period. But ther...

Use the habits shared below to boost your mental health and become a happy person. 1. Socialize We are current...

Understanding How Multiple Sclerosis Affects the Body in Multiple Ways

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects the central nervous system, disrupting the exchange of information between the brain and the rest of the body. According to the National MS Society, ther...

How to Tell If You Have Sexual Tension With Someone

Sexuality is a part of wellness that often gets overlooked due to the taboos. Cultural taboos around talking about sexuality prevent a lot of people from admitting their feelings and dealing with them. Suppressed feelings c...

Wellness: An Infographic on the Importance of Mental Health Awareness

In today's society, mental health is a topic that is on the rise. More and more people are becoming open to discussing their experiences with mental illness and dealing with it on a day-to-day basis. This ...

Want to Increase Your Calcium Intake Without Eating Dairy? Try These Foods

As the most abundant mineral in the body, calcium plays an instrumental role in blood clotting, bone strength, and muscle function. Because calcium is not produced by the body, you need to obtain...

Why You Should Make Fermented Foods a Cornerstone of Your Daily Diet

An increasing amount of research is pointing to fermented foods as being instrumental in promoting optimal gut health. Why do you need to support a well-functioning gut and what are the best foods to a...

Nutrition and Mental Health: How the Right Foods Can Keep You Happy and Healthy

Did you know that what you eat can directly impact your mood and mental health? Certain foods can help keep you happy and healthy, while others can cause problems like anxiety and depression. ...