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Great Reads for Good Food

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6 Ways You Can Save a Buck On Food

In this day and age, we've all found ourselves wishing we could save a little cash from time to time on food. There are times when a trip to the grocery store can seem like we need to take out a loan first. There are a couple of ways you...

6 Tips for How to Stay Well at Work This Week

The fact is that we spend a large part of our waking hours on the job. We cannot have two sets of habits; one for work and one for home. Healthy work habits will help your overall wellness and will ensure that you are a more effec...

The Wellness Industry's Latest Trend: Using AI to Alleviate Health Issues

The Wellness Industry's Latest Trend: Using AI to Alleviate Health Issues While the intersection of tech and Wellness has been predicted for quite some time, practical implementations of it have finally...

Take Care of Your Physical Fitness at Home with Self-Isolating Exercises

While America is on lockdown, governmental officials are urging the public that you can walk your dog or exercise outside for 20 minutes. Even though there might be some challenges to leaving your ...

The Reasoning Behind the Changing Mask Rhetoric

When it comes to one's general health and wellness involving the global pandemic of the novel coronavirus, we hear a whole lot of media points that constantly change like the weather. For instance, right-wing media lashe...

Your Child's Wellness During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic will have lasting effects for children throughout the country. After missing their last three months of school, many children are home for the summer too because their summer camps are cancelled. In addition, childr...

If You're Pregnant, You Need to Be Aware of This Major Danger

Being pregnant is always tough, and the pandemic is making things harder for everyone. One thing countless pregnant women are worrying about right now is whether or not their baby may be at risk for COVID-19. At f...

What Will it Take for the Usage of Facials Masks to Become Normalized?

As health experts continue to learn more about the most likely vectors of transmission of the COVID-19 virus, it is becoming more clear that facial masks make a difference. Not only does wearing a mask h...

Do Not Let Cold Weather Keep You From Getting in Your Daily Workout

You do not have to give up your fitness routine just because the cold and dark winter days are upon us. The COVID-19 health crisis has forced the closure of many gyms, making many people resort to outdoor w...